During my 3++ months break before college started, did a few part time job that I got from Kelly Services. This particular one was HORRIBLE. We nearly got ourselves bored to death in that 5 days. Called a few others to join me since they were as lifeless as me. (: The few were Shuen, Amos, Jen and Pop.
We were assigned to do Quality Checking also known as QC. It was a pretty simple job BUT the amount that we need to do was like OMG. The whole day, just checking and checking and checking. Sien dao.
We had to check about 25k of this glass thing. It is said to give us energy after a bottle/glass of water is put on top and drink it after. Bullshit lah. There was no difference at all and it freaking cost 1k++. Like seriously, would you buy em'? ![]()
One day when Amos was sending us home, suddenly all we see were this pitch white smoky thick thing. I :O-ed![]()
QC these things for the last 2 days. The only thing that was nice about the job was probably the food nearby. Okay maybe not that nice also lah-.- Probably the jokes made by them. It goes something like that.
Jen:ngor zhong yi se date.(cause like after every box we've completed we're supposed to seal n write the date, it's the easiest job too)
Pop: Lei zhou calender lo.
Then there was another one. This one Pop told us.
Jen: I don't like to go Kuchai, got a lot of lala.
Pop: Then where got a lot of si ham?
Basically the whole week, I heard a lot of stupid jokes from them. Laughed our asses off till the manager or whoever that guy is always gives us the stare.
Food Supplement for the males. haha.
Geng le, can sleep and do work. hahaha.
Amos ni, everyday trying to break his record-.-
We always look at the clock, and somehow it just pass by so freaking slowly.
Last day of working in that empat segi store.
The amount of food supplement we had to QC, and that was only for food supplement. I think we're quite geng okayyyysss! Efficient to the max! the lady was also impressed.
Us with our er employer? Hmm, but Kelly is our employer. okay like whatever right.
Had dinner together with Sumay after her work and our last day of work. wehee. tengok orang yg kerja punya mata. bengkak punya.
Yum yum yum, Mango.
I also worked at The Coca Cola Company for four days. ALONE this time, sad. Everything alone. Lunch alone, go home with stinking public transport alone. Public transport part was the worst-.-
But, the drinks there are all free flow. I can drink as much as I want. Everyday Pulpy Pulpy Pulpy. Pulpy tropical fruit is the best. I even brought home some each day. HAHAHA. cheapo, i know.![]()
My boss is pretty kind. He likes me too. HAHHAHA I think. Managed to make a friend that would teman me for lunch sometimes. haha. He thinks I'm quiet. LMAO.
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