Wednesday, February 16, 2011

CNY Day 2

Day 2 of CNY: Lee's cousins place and grandparents place(mother side) :D

We were late. Malaysian timing lah. It started at 1pm but we only reached there at 3 something. But then again not that late since the food was only served at 3pm when it was supposed to be served at 1. Malaysians, never on time one lah.

Cooked by the Lee's. Thank yousss!:D They even baked cookies which tasted real good.


Eng's, Lee's and Tey's. Wong's and Ng's are missing.
All of us, yes all of us wear specs. Ain't that sad.
Act cute moment lo.
Some of you might have seen this on my earlier post. To those who haven't. This cousin of mine has some weird abilities. He can do a ripple with his stomach too!  Weirdo lah!

After spending time at the Lee's, we went over to grandparents place. First thing that came into my mind when I stepped into the house. Oh my gosh, soooo many people one! All the unfamiliar faces some more. Came to know that they're my mum's cousins and their children . So technically, they are my distant cousins right?
My generation.
And the oldies.
You must be wondering, what's wrong with this guy wearing a jacket in Malaysia. Well, he was sick lah.
My grandfather broke his bone. And now he's real skinny :'(
I was asked to re-park the car cause it was late and the car was park quite a distance from the house. The gap between the two cars were so small. Like 3 inches away! We were saying so much about reversing until I actually put R instead of D. If my cousin didn't notice that i put R, I would have bang the car behind.

Peace yo!

Went out for late dinner/supper at DG's.
Just that trip out and back. 3 things happened. It was funny if you were in my shoes. First, the waiter nearly drop my cousin's camera which wasn't funny lah of course. Then, we stop by to buy pao and this two cars came →←, like the arrows shown. And our car was the culprit. Blocking the road. We were laughing in the car somemore. Neither one of the car wants to reverse. So kiasu! Third, my mum got into the car after buying the pao and ask us to smell them, oh my, smelled so baddddddd! HAHAHAHHA!
My pao no good. Well, we went and change it of course.
We got bored and decided to tie my bro's hair.
The sisters.
I look like pao!
That's bout it for Day 2.


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